14 Cerebellum
2 ways to see anatomy:
- anterior, posterior, flocculonodular lobes
- vermis, hermisphere
Inferior and middle peduncle
Superior Peduncle
- modify motor activity of cortex
- dentate most lateral located, influences same part of thalamus that basal ganglia influences
- dentate most lateral, lesions behave like lateral lesions
- other nuclei lesions behave more like medial lesions
- purkinje can modify deep nuclei
Cerebellar Lesions
- left side influences left body
Lateral lesions
- dysmetria: can't control where movement happens (touch nose/finger)
- intention tremor: begin to shake
- leg: falling because can't position
- truncal: wobbly because can't hold trunk in midline
- Difficult to get feet planted in right place. If too narrow will fall over, therefore wide to avoid fall
- wide gait ataxia and falling with eyes open
- can't coordinate movement, including mouth movement
- nausea/vomiting due to area postrema triggered and increased ICP
Hereditary Ataxias
Ataxia Telangiectasia
- cancer usually what's fatal
- remember brain, heart, pancreas